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Monday, June 28, 2010

Marine Vessels

This term has been quite a success. In our technology unit we learnt how to make blogs and how to use our knowledge of that to help other people, and also how to make Marine vessels, and their efficiency. My name is Xenia and I am going to create a blog on Marine Vessels, and what my findings on them. I will then evaluate my progress this term as we were to create models of Marine Vessels, and test whether they would float on water or not.

Research and Results.

During our research stage in DT, I learnt about many different types of boats, and their uses. I learnt which the best to use was, and which were used for certain purposes, for example Dhows which were used for trading purposes. I will name a few which I found interesting and elaborate on them. These are:-

· Rafts

· Reed boats

· Sailing ships

· Cruise ships.

Basically, I was looking at how these modes of transport have changed over time.

Rafts are a type of vessel, actually a marine vessel that is designed with the purpose of transportation. It has a flat bottom and was made with the objective of a boat in mind, with the absence of a hull. It is quite unique considering that it moves without an engine or propeller. Though you do the work manually, with the objective of creating a boat, this was quite thoughtful.

Reed boats and rafts as well as some other canoes are known as the oldest types of boats. These boats originate from the Egyptians who created them with reeds, hence the name reed boat. This was among the first boats that could streamline the water properly. Looking at the bible, this fascinated me because there is a famous example, the ark of bulrushes which baby Moses was set afloat.

Reed boats and rafts as well as some other canoes are known as the oldest types of boats. These boats originate from the Egyptians who created them with reeds, hence the name reed boat. This was among the first boats that could streamline the water properly. Looking at the bible, this fascinated me because there is a famous example, the ark of bulrushes which baby Moses was set afloat.

Sailing ships were designed fro trade, war and exploration. These were made out of wood. The concept of ‘ship’ came from any boat with a specific rig, meaning any boat with at least three masts, square rigged most of them. This made the sailing adjective redundant.

Lastly, Cruise ships. These were designed much later. They were big because they were designed to carry hundreds of passengers. It is used for pleasure or voyage. These are also known as cruise liners. At the hull of this boat they used many materials to ensure that it would float such as Iron, and they streamlined the front.

While looking at hull designs in our DT project, what influenced us was the proper shape. Our group question was, does the shape of the hull affect the way the model will float? We decided to go for the V-shaped hull. There were advantages and disadvantages of this shape. We found out that because of the shape, it cuts into the water sharply and provides a smooth ride. Then again, at times it needs more power to run at the same speed. Most runabout boats use this shaped hull. Since our objective was to see if it will float in the swimming pool we decided to use it and see how it will turn out.


Our focus was Human Ingenuity, and as I mentioned we wanted to see how effective it is to use the V-shaped hull other than the rest. We started with our plot and all the materials we would need. I think we did rather well in that stage, except for the fact that we still do not have a motor. Our speed while making it could have been better, I mean if we all put a bit more effort and sacrificed time, we would have been done by now. After the materials, we went on to our Investigation, this I must say was a fail. As a group we did not work together to create a proper investigation. There was very little effort put into it. After this now we all lost track of it, but as a group we decided that we should be serious. If it were not for the co-operation of each of us we would not have been anywhere at the moment. We set on to the create stage, this I must say was the best. All of us participated very well. I personally did not think that I could ever have committed that much. Though I was messing about I found it challenging but managed to gt somewhere, and all of us know that the beauty of something lies in the finished product and how well you dedicated to it. We have not yet finished our boat but I am seeing us doing very well. This was a great opportunity for me to learn something new, and I will apply my knowledge of it wherever necessary.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Abortion and Kenya!

Abortion is illegal in Kenya. It is something of risk and danger in Kenya. It is something that has brought about a lot of issues in Kenya. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. It happens these days mostly because teenagers have started having sex at an early age and end up with many complications thereafter. Most of them really do not have a choice, others opt for abortion so that they get rid of the child before their parents find out, the others decide on keeping the baby but have no choice but to look for somewhere else on the streets to live, and the other percentage remaining, opt for suicide. This shows the dangers it is inflicting on the lives of Kenyans on a daily basis.

At first i did not support the abortion factor, but come to think of it, abortion, is not something that should be left for the church, or any other person to decide, except the mother herself! An article in the Standard newspaper, which you can view if you follow the link below:-

is a very disturbing article, the church, first of all is the most senior member in following the laws of Moses, and the abortion clause would not have been brought about if it were not for them. The Priests are now the ones who are misbehaving, and several have now been accused of child sexual molestation, leave alone with the children, even the nuns! In the article, there is a section that states that there was a report from the United States that a victim was paid $100,000 (about 7.6 million shillings) not to report their case of rape. Honestly, if the church was really committed as to stopping abortion, would they really go that far? These incidents have led to several things, such as abortion taking place IN the church. I support abortion only by word of the mother, but if you are a nun, and you have committed that sin, what is the point of aborting, and committing another sin in the eyes of God? What do you think?

They say that abortion is here to stay, and it does not matter if it is legal or not, the question is how safe is it? Other statistics of the World Health Organization say that annually 67,000 women die because of unsafe abortion, 17,600 are from East Africa. One more thing that I discovered as I was doing my research was that in a country like Mozambique, abortion is legal any time any place as long as the woman is pregnant it can be done for any reason at all. If this happened in Kenya, God knows what would have happened. The death rate comparison between Kenya and Mozambique shows that more deaths of children under the age of 1 die in Mozambique more than in Kenya.

To conclude, i think that for abortion to take place, it should be in the say of the mother. No one else, experiences the pain, what if the mother was pregnant because of rape? Would you restrict her to proceed with the abortion? She is the one that experienced the pain, so what good is there in telling her that she can not choose to do what she wants with her body? I mean its not like its your body! What surprises me the most is that most of the ministers, that are men, are the ones complaining so much about how abortion should remain illegal, most of the time you do not see men being the ones who take care of the children, rather its the women. To me it is rather very ironic that they are the ones complaining so much and they have nothing to do with it.

This is my take on abortion, what about yours?